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typo design 01

This is the typography design of the mood of “Happy” and “Angry” .


The upper typography “Happy” is using the round shape and lines like rainbow to represent the happiness.

The lower typography “Angry” is using shape angle and some continue line to

create the mood like radiation to represent angry.

typo design 02

This is the typography design of the mood of “Silence” and “Noisy” .


The upper typography “Silence” is using the thin and tall line to represent the quiet.

The lower typography “Noisy” ,this word let me think related to rock music and it is

a kind of destroy so I tear of the word “Noisy”.

typo design 03

This is the typography design of the mood of “Horror” and “Sweet”.

The upper typography is using the glue gun and hair to create a creepy mood.

The lower typography “Sweet” is using curve and round shape to represent a

sweet mood.

typo design 04

This is the typography design of the mood of “Cold” and “Hot” .

The upper typography “Cold” is using glue gun and white acrylic on top to make it like thick snow.

The lower typography “Hot” ,fire is hot so I using the flame to burn the word.

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